







manbet手机版这并没有穷尽从热力学中得出的结论。manbet手机版还有一种方法是测定辐射中颜色随温度变化而发生的变化。manbet手机版这种变化的计算同样是基于一个理想过程。manbet手机版为此,我们必须假设完全反射体尽可能散射所有入射辐射,因此可以被描述为完全白色。manbet手机版如果我们允许来自黑体的辐射进入这样的空间,它最终会传播,就像空间的墙壁本身是辐射的,和黑体有相同的温度一样。manbet手机版如果我们把黑体与空白区隔开,我们就得到了镜像壁之间永久往复辐射的不可能情况。manbet手机版在我们的思想中,我们继续实验。manbet手机版我们想象空间的体积会因为墙壁的移动而减少,这样整个辐射就会集中在一个更小的空间里。manbet手机版由于辐射对照射到的墙壁施加了一定的压力,即光的压力,因此,在缩小体积的过程中一定消耗了一些功,就像我们压缩了气体一样。manbet手机版由于光的压力值很小,所以这个功很小,但是它可以被精确地计算出来,这是我们讨论的问题中最重要的。 In accordance with the principle of the conservation of energy, this work cannot be lost, it is converted into radiation, which further increases the radiation concentration. This change of radiation density due to the movement of the white walls is not the only change to which the radiation is subjected. When a light ray is reflected by a moving mirror, it undergoes a change of the colour dictated by the oscillation frequency. This change in accordance with the so-called Doppler principle plays a substantial part in astrophysics. The spectrum line emitted by an approaching celestial body appears to be displaced in the direction of shorter wavelengths in the ratio, its velocity: the velocity of light. This is also the case when a ray is reflected by a moving mirror, except that the change is twice as great. We are therefore able to calculate completely the change undergone by the radiation as a result of the movement of the walls. The pressure of light which is essential to these deliberations was demonstrated at a much later date, Lebedev being the first to do so. Arrhenius used it to explain the formation of comet tails. Before that, it was only a conclusion drawn from Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory. We now calculate both the change of radiation density due to movement, and the change of the various wavelengths. From this mental experiment, we can draw an important conclusion. We can conclude from the second law of mechanical heat theory that the spectral composition of the radiation which we have changed by compression in the space with mirror walls is exactly the same as it would be had we obtained the increased density of radiation by raising the temperature, because we would otherwise be able to produce, by means of colour filters, unequal radiation densities in the two spaces, and to generate work from heat without compensation. Since we can calculate the change of individual wavelengths due to compression, we can also derive the manner in which the spectral composition of black-body radiation varies with temperature. Without discussing this calculation in detail, let me give you the result: the radiation energy of a certain wavelength varies with changing temperature so that the product of temperature and wavelength remains constant.





manbet手机版位移定律穷尽了纯热力学关于辐射理论所能得出的结论。manbet手机版所有这些结论都已被经验所证实。manbet手机版在辐射中出现的个别颜色是相互完全独立的。manbet手机版在给定温度下,辐射强度在各个波长上的分布方式不能从热力学中确定。manbet手机版为此,我们必须详细地检查辐射过程的机制。manbet手机版在气体理论中也有类似的情况。manbet手机版热力学不能告诉我们气体比热的大小;manbet手机版我们需要做的,是研究分子的运动。manbet手机版但是建立在概率计算基础上的气体动力学理论比相应的辐射理论取得了更大的进展。manbet手机版气体统计理论给自己设定的任务是解释热力学定律。 I do not wish to discuss here the extent to which the task may be considered as having been solved, and whether we are entitled to consider the reduction of the second law to probability as a wholly satisfactory theory. It has in any case been very successful, in particular since a theoretical explanation has been found of the deviations from the thermodynamic state of equilibrium, the so-called fluctuations, e.g. in Brownian movement. None of the statistical theories of radiation has however as yet even attempted to derive the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the displacement law, which must always be introduced into theory from outside. Quite apart from this, we are as yet far removed from a satisfactory theory to account for the distribution of radiation energy over the individual wavelengths.






manbet手机版单个驻波可能表示过程的行列式,并对应于自由度。manbet手机版如果我们给每个自由度分配适当的能量,我们就得到瑞利辐射定律,根据该定律,给定波长的辐射发射与绝对温度成正比,与波长的四次方成反比。manbet手机版在上述定律失效的那一点上,该定律与观测完全一致,它最初被认为是一个效力有限的辐射定律。manbet手机版但是,如果辐射的过程服从电磁理论或电子理论的一般定律,我们必然会得到瑞利辐射定律,正如洛伦兹所证明的那样。manbet手机版作为一个普遍的辐射定律来看,它直接与所有的经验相矛盾,因为根据它,能量必须在最短波长处不断积累。manbet手机版有一种可能性,即我们在现实中所处理的不是辐射的真正平衡状态,而是它逐渐接近所有能量只在最短波长中存在的状态,这种可能性也与经验相矛盾。manbet手机版对于在可达到的温度下,瑞利公式不再适用的可见光,根据基尔霍夫定律,我们可以很容易地计算出平衡态必须在最短的时间内达到,但这种状态与瑞利定律相去甚远。manbet手机版因此,我们对辐射公式的精确定义所面临的巨大困难有了初步的了解。manbet手机版关于目前的一般电磁理论是不充分的,关于电子理论是不充分的,以解释最常见的现象之一,即光的发射,这种认识仍然是完全否定的。manbet手机版我们只知道这件事是不可能完成的,但我们缺乏指引我们前进的路标。 We do however know that none of the models whose mode of action is based on purely electromagnetic principles can lead to correct results.

manbet手机版它是优点manbet手机版普朗克manbet手机版引入了新的假说,使我们能够避开瑞利辐射定律。manbet手机版对于长波,这个定律无疑是正确的,正确的辐射公式必须有这样一种形式:对于非常长的波,它符合瑞利定律,而对于短波,它符合我所制定的定律。manbet手机版因此,普朗克保留了能量在系统自由度上的分布作为出发点,但他引入了著名的能量元素假设,使这种能量分布受到限制,根据该假设,能量不是无限可分的,而只能分布在相当大的数量中,这些数量不能被进一步分割。manbet手机版如果涉及到不可改变的粒子,例如能量原子,这个假设可能会毫不费力地被接受。manbet手机版对于物质和电来说,这种假设已被证明是不可避免的。manbet手机版然而,普朗克的能量元素并不是能量原子;manbet手机版相反,位移定律要求它们与给定振动的波长成反比。manbet手机版这代表了理解这些能量元素的巨大困难。manbet手机版一旦我们接受了这个假设,我们就会得到一个完全不同的辐射中心的能量分布,如果我们根据概率定律来寻找它们的话。manbet手机版然而,这并没有给出辐射定律。 All we know is how much energy the radiating molecules possess on average at a certain temperature, but not how much energy they emit. To derive emission at a given energy, we need a definite model which emits radiation. We can only construct such a model on the foundation of the known electromagnetic laws, and it is at this early point that the difficulty of the theory starts. On the one hand we relinquish the electromagnetic laws by introducing the energy elements; on the other hand we make use of these same laws for discovering the relationship between emission and energy. It could admittedly be argued that the electromagnetic laws are only valid for mean values taken over extended periods, whereas the energy elements relate to the elementary radiation process itself. An oscillator radiating in accordance with the electromagnetic laws will indeed have little similarity with the real atoms. Planck however rightly argues that this does not matter precisely because radiation in the equilibrium state is independent of the nature of the emitting bodies. It will however be required of a model which is to stand for the real atoms that it should lack none of the essential characteristics of the event under consideration. Every body that emits thermal rays has the characteristic that it is able to convert thermal rays of one wavelength into thermal rays of a different wavelength. It is on this that there rests the possibility of a specific spectral composition being established in the radiation at all times. The Planck oscillator lacks this ability, and doubts are bound to be raised as to whether it can properly be used for establishing the relationship between energy and emission. This difficulty can be avoided, and the oscillator can be done without, if, with Debye, we decompose the radiation energy in a hollow cube into Planck energy elements and distribute these energy elements over the oscillation frequencies of the standing waves formed in the cube according to the laws of probability. The logarithm of this probability will then be proportional to entropy, and the law of radiation results, if we search for the maximum of this entropy. This result is proof of the extremely general nature of Planck’s concepts.

manbet手机版然而,还有进一步的困难。manbet手机版能量元素随波长的减少而增加,暴露在入射辐射中的振荡器在低强度下需要很长时间才能吸收完整的能量元素。manbet手机版如果在整个能量元素被吸收之前,入射辐射停止了,会发生什么?manbet手机版回答这个问题所隐含的困难最近促使普朗克重新制定他最初的理论。manbet手机版他现在只假设发射只能由整个能量元素产生。manbet手机版根据电磁定律假定吸收是连续发生的,并且假定振荡器的能量含量具有能够连续变化的能量值。manbet手机版这种方法确实避免了吸收时间长的困难。manbet手机版另一方面,基本过程的发射和吸收之间的密切关系被放弃了,这种关系现在只在统计上有效。manbet手机版因此,每一个只发射整个能量元素并持续吸收的原子,在发射时,会突然消耗掉自身储备的能量,而在短时间照射时,补充的能量则很少。manbet手机版我们必须作出一个特殊的假设:对于许多处于静止状态的原子,作为一个整体,吸收的能量最终等于释放的能量。 Whereas in the original form of the Planck theory the introduction of the hypothesis of energy elements was sufficient to permit the radiation laws to be derived, the new theories include uncertainties which can only be removed by further hypotheses. On the other hand the new fundamental hypothesis provides the possibility of further application, e.g. to electron emission.





manbet手机版困扰辐射理论的难题也以一种完全不同的方式出现。manbet手机版爱因斯坦研究了由于热过程的不规则性而导致的辐射即使在平衡状态下也不断受到的波动。manbet手机版如果我们想象一个在充满辐射的腔中的小盘子,这个盘子将受到一个辐射压力,这个辐射压力在盘子两边平均是相等的。manbet手机版由于辐射必须包含不规则的,压力将交替地在一侧或另一侧更大,因此平板将执行小的不规则运动,类似于悬浮在液体中的尘埃粒子的布朗运动。manbet手机版这些波动可以从概率计算中得到。manbet手机版根据玻尔兹曼定理,熵和概率之间有一个简单的关系。manbet手机版辐射的熵由辐射定律可知,因此状态的概率也可知,由此可以计算出波动。manbet手机版这些波动的数学表达式以一种特殊的方式由两个部分组成。manbet手机版第一个问题很容易理解:这是由于许多相互独立的光束汇聚在一点上相互干扰而产生的不规则现象。manbet手机版在辐射能量密度高的地方,只有这一项占主导地位; it corresponds to the radiation range that obeys Rayleigh’s law.







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